Valentine's Bouquet
A beautiful and whimsical, yet sophisticated bouquet featuring roses, ranunculas, carnations, alstroemeria, scabiosa and lisianthus, enhanced with greens and dried white fern. Sure to leave a lasting memory for that special someone in your life, long after the traditional dozen red roses would be forgotten!
Available sizes:
Petite (7 stems)
Standard (12 stems) - Pictured
Large (18 stems)
Extra Large (24 stems)
All bouquets will be the same style and will come hand wrapped. Vase is not included but you can select it as an add on.
All Valentine’s Day products are available for delivery in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs, or pickup at The Village Tap in Roscoe Village, on February 14, 2025. Pickup is free and we’ll buy you a drink when you pickup your order!
A beautiful and whimsical, yet sophisticated bouquet featuring roses, ranunculas, carnations, alstroemeria, scabiosa and lisianthus, enhanced with greens and dried white fern. Sure to leave a lasting memory for that special someone in your life, long after the traditional dozen red roses would be forgotten!
Available sizes:
Petite (7 stems)
Standard (12 stems) - Pictured
Large (18 stems)
Extra Large (24 stems)
All bouquets will be the same style and will come hand wrapped. Vase is not included but you can select it as an add on.
All Valentine’s Day products are available for delivery in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs, or pickup at The Village Tap in Roscoe Village, on February 14, 2025. Pickup is free and we’ll buy you a drink when you pickup your order!
A beautiful and whimsical, yet sophisticated bouquet featuring roses, ranunculas, carnations, alstroemeria, scabiosa and lisianthus, enhanced with greens and dried white fern. Sure to leave a lasting memory for that special someone in your life, long after the traditional dozen red roses would be forgotten!
Available sizes:
Petite (7 stems)
Standard (12 stems) - Pictured
Large (18 stems)
Extra Large (24 stems)
All bouquets will be the same style and will come hand wrapped. Vase is not included but you can select it as an add on.
All Valentine’s Day products are available for delivery in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs, or pickup at The Village Tap in Roscoe Village, on February 14, 2025. Pickup is free and we’ll buy you a drink when you pickup your order!